Major Committees
Council of Chief Executives
Effectively acting as the board for APCC, our most senior jurisdictional representatives provide the strategic direction of the APCC.
Construction and Asset Management Special Interest Group
Identifies the need for construction and asset management-based procurement solutions at both the policy and delivery level. This group regularly consults with industry.
Strategic Procurement Special Interest Group
Typically covering goods and services procurement, assists members in sourcing solutions to procurement challenges and strive towards innovative practices.
ICT Commercial Strategies Special Interest Group
Designed to support the delivery of smarter ICT procurement practices and solutions, with value-for-money outcomes at its core.
Digital Procurement Special Interest Group
Dedicated to adding value to jurisdictional projects regarding digitising and transforming procurement.
Procurement of Education Goods & Services
Leveraging each other's learnings in procurement of education goods and services to support delivery of education, early childhood and training services.
ANZ Health Procurement Roundtable
Leveraging the combined knowledge and expertise in government health procurement to deliver best value.
Government Property Group
Adding value and promoting excellence in the way government delivers property solutions, with a focus on office accommodation.
Procurement Capability Development Forum
Focuses on the enhancement of skills and professionalism of procurement officers in a nationally coordinated way.
Australasian BIM Advisory Board
Provides leadership to improve productivity and project outcomes through the adoption of Building Information Modelling
Women in Government Property
Support network for women working and building careers in the government property sector
Interactive Roundtables (IRTs)
Convened as teleconferences or videoconferences, IRTs allow category specific discussion amongst public sector executives. Topics evolve with discussion and address up-to-the-minute issues, such as (but not limited to)
social procurement
category level discussions
category management techniques
construction procurement technologies
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