Recent Changes

(1) NPS and Mutual Recognition are available to entities who have recently changed their ABN or ACN, with no change in key personnel. At the point of assessment, the entity will be asked for written evidence of material changes and an explanation as to the reason for ABN or ACN change. Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 2 years after the date of ABN or ACN change, only projects under the new entity will be assessed under the NPS.​

(2) To provide a pathway for contractors wishing to become NPS prequalified and are yet to have experience with a building contract over $50M however can demonstrate financial capability above $50M, may seek to be assessed in accord with the amended Guidelines – refer to Application Form, General Instructions. For further information on Financial Assessment Criteria, view section 3 in the Guidelines. 

(3) An NPS Application can be lodged with an Assessing Agency either in the jurisdiction where the head office is located, or where the contractor intends to bid for a tender over the value of $50 million. 

National Prequalification System for Non-Residential Buildings (NPS)

“The APCC is both an intelligence centre for its members, and an overall leader in advancing procurement”

General Information 

The National Prequalification System for Non-residential Building (NPS) aims to create certainty and consistency, and streamline the process of prequalification for contractors working in multiple jurisdictions. It applies to non-residential government building contracts where the construction cost estimate is $50 million and above in Participating Jurisdictions.

This seamless process for mutual recognition of prequalification status for contractors across participating jurisdictions commenced on 1 January 2011.

Please note: If you download one of the application forms, you must save the document to your computer if you wish to save your progress.

NPS Documents 

Applicants should access the full set of NPS documents before undertaking their applications.

The APCC regularly reviews the National Prequalification System (NPS) in relation to practicality within the construction industry, government policy and compliance.

Should you have any comments on the NPS, please contact us here

All comments will be acknowledged at the time of receipt with feedback provided in due course.

NPS Guidelines
Explaining the NPS system

NPS Application Form and Referee Report
Application for prequalification

NPS Registration for Mutual Recognition Form
For recognition in multiple jurisdictions

NPS Contractor Performance Report
Review of performance and compliance

NPS Jurisdictional Contacts

 A list of contacts can be accessed by clicking here or you can contact the APCC here